Build a Better World for Women and Girls

In Snohomish County, Washington and North Puget Sound – Part of Zonta International

Zonta Club of Everett has a new NAME: Zonta Club of North Puget Sound

Better reflecting the diversity of our membership and service areas. 

Whats Happening Now

Upcoming Programs

Game Night Gala!!

 Saturday, April 5th, at 5:30, Everett Golf and Country Club

Tickets are $75 per person includes Heavy Appetizers

Join us for a variety of activities and games!  Some games require skill, some only luck.  

In addition to the fun, learn more about what your support is doing for women in our community. Hear directly from a scholarship recipient who has received funding from Zonta.

There will be raffle prizes and a silent auction.  
Purchase your tickets here!

🌟 Calling all Zonta members!  We are looking forward to seeing you all for this informative and fabulous

All Area Virtual workshop

Please click on the link below to pre-register with ZOOM!

   We KNOW you’re going to want to join us for this great day!   Highlights:

  • Kimm Hrdlicka-Tigges, District 5 Governor (and amazing speaker) “HOW do we weave advocacy into everything we do? “
  • UNICEF, Introducing Laaha, Zonta International Service Project, our first digital project.
  • Craft Weaving Activity (Kumihimo Friendship Bracelet)
  • Leatta Dalhoff, Foundation Ambassador 
  • Natalie Jobe, YWPA Recipient 
  • Clementine McLemore, Women in Business Recipient 
  • Mona Das, “Bad A$$ Women Doing Kick A$$ Sh!t”
         An award-winning documentary about a collection of 8 courageous BIPOC women    who ran for political office and challenged the status quo!  
         (- more on how to watch the film at home  will be sent to registered participants)
  • After Session: Advocacy Training (All are welcome to attend!) 

Thank you to all of our supporters for participating in our successful Holiday Auction

Advocacy Action: Build a Better World for Women + Girls

Zonta Club of North Puget Sound Advocates

Ballot Measures in WA for Nov. 2024 Election:

No on I-2117

Keep Washingon’s Carbon Tax Laws

No on I-2124

Keep Washington’s Long Term Care Insurance

Learn more…

95 Years for WomenWith Zonta Club of North Puget Sound 

Megan Wolfe with Girls on the run
Megan Wolfe with Girls on the run is in constant activity working for action and progress for teen girls. With a focus on health and fitness Megan and her team create empowering and uplifting environments for Snohomish County girls.
Sabine Rice and Hager Youssef with Autrina Martindale
Sabine Rice and Hager Youssef were nominated by Autrina Martindale for their work with Marysville Goodwill's Youth Aerospace Program.
Olympia Edwards owner/founder of Project Girl
Olympia Edwards owner/founder of Project Girl mentors young women to help with access and increase self-esteem as they transition into adulthood
Lisa Coughlan and Jenn Sutton with Krissy Davis
Lisa Coughlan and Jenn Sutton were nominated by Krissy Davis for their work with the Camp Fire Teens In Action club. The Teens in Action is a leadership and community service club for older kids in grades 6-12th.




Zonta Says No Campaign
Zonta Says NO! to Violence Against Women

Zonta Club of North Puget Sounds’s Mission:

Zonta Club of North Puget Sound, a club of the global organization Zonta International, is a leading regional organization of individuals working together to build a better world for women and girls.

Zonta Club of North Puget Sound’s Vision:

Zonta Club of North Puget Sound envisions a world in which women’s rights are recognized as human rights and every woman is able to achieve her full potential. In such a world, women have access to all resources and are represented in decision-making positions on an equal basis with men.


Join Us: Opportunities to Make a Difference: 

The opportunities for service are endless in our community. Through the Zonta Club of North Puget Sound and through Zonta International, we can help women and girls reach their dreams through educational opportunities, to help stop violence against women and girls, and to improve women’s lives through a variety of local and international service projects. 

Through Zonta International, projects are:

  • ‘Adolescent Girls Health and Protection in Peru’  responding to the health needs of adolescents—especially girls—in a timely manner and preventing violence in schools in Peru.
  • ‘Strengthening Response to GBV Survivors in Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste’, ensuring that all women and girls in Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste live life free from violence and providing quality services to those who experience violence.
  • ‘Let us Learn Madagascar’, creating opportunities for vulnerable and excluded children, particularly girls, in Madagascar to realize their right to an education.
  • ‘Ending Child Marriage’, a program to accelerate global action; we are protecting the rights of millions of vulnerable girls and putting an end to this global violation of human rights in 12 countries in Africa and Asia.
  • ‘Empowering the Next Generation of Women Leaders and Innovators’, plans to empower through scholarships and awards.

We encourage our members to participate in Zonta programs at all levels.


Improving Lives: Zonta Everett Foundation

Zonta Club of Everett Foundation, our sister 501 c3 Non Profit’s activities focus on improving the lives of women and girls in Snohomish County. Scholarships are awarded to women who have undergone a major transition in their lives and are returning to school and to young women pursuing education in business and public affairs.

Upcoming Events


The Zonta Club of North Puget Sound is holding hybrid meetings. The club meets on the 1st Thursday of the month at 8:00 AM via Zoom, and the 3rd Thursday of the month at 11:30 at Evergreen Branch of the Everett Library and Zoom (see Events).

If you are interested in attending a meeting, joining Zonta, or speaking at a meeting, please contact

Support Women and Girls in Snohomish County 

Help Fund Scholarships for Women + Grants for local organizations


Give Generously


Zonta Club of Everett supports local scholarships and Zonta International Scholarships. Learn more.  

We Support these Community Partners:

The Latest From Zonta Club of North Puget Sound

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors!