
The Monroe Gospel Women’s Mission has classes for goal setting, smoking cessation, and healthy relationships.  We provide the tools and support to help our clients succeed.  In 2020, 34 women took classes at the mission.  This was made possible through the Zonta grant.

Our goals class teaches homeless women about growing, owning, achieving, and living their personal goals. Laurence J. Peter said, “if you don’t know where you’re going, you will probably end up somewhere else”.  Many of our clients enter the mission in a time of lost wandering because they do not know where they are going, and they do not know how to get to where they need to be.  The challenges of homelessness quickly snowball as women wrestle with addiction, unhealthy relationships, mental and physical health crises, lack of transportation and so much more.  In the goals class, women learn what goals they need to set, how to form an action plan, and obstacles they may encounter.  Despite difficulties due to Covid, our clients have completed goals and have the tools to set new goals.  They are living with direction and purpose.